What is Freemasonry?

  • True Friendship

    Many members meet their best friends through Freemasonry. That’s because Masonry offers a combination that’s hard to find anywhere else: shared traditions, shared purpose, and a shared commitment to fostering lifelong relationships.

  • Personal Development

    Ancient Freemasons focused on building structures. Today’s Masons focus on building character. We believe in strong values, and we embody them through our actions, our relationships, and our service to others.

  • Giving Back.

    Masons take an obligation to support those around them. Masons give back in a multitude of ways, from local charity drives to statewide efforts through the California Masonic Foundation.

What’s the secret?

Our secret isn’t ancient rituals or secret ceremonies. It’s our members. Our members come from all backgrounds and all walks of life. The average age of new members in California is about 36.

Anchor Bell Lodge is a diverse group of men in both age, background and faiths.


There are about 5 million Freemasons worldwide, and approximately 40,000 in California.

How can I join?

The Grand Lodge of California admits men aged 18 and older who believe in a supreme being and are found to be of good moral character. To become a Mason, a person must be recommended by two current members of the lodge and voted in unanimously by the members of a lodge.

At Anchor Bell Lodge, we require candidates for membership to attend events at our lodge for a minimum of 6 months before requesting an application to join. Additionally, we ask that a potential member write a short letter regarding their intentions and interest in membership

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at The Bell.