3rd Degree and Festive Board!
Please join us to celebrate the raising of a dear brother to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Our celebratory festive board will begin at 6pm, and is open to all brothers, men interested in Masonry, & their spouses or significant others.
The Degree starts at 10:00 AM and is ONLY OPEN TO MASTER MASONS. If you are visiting from outside of CA, be sure to have a current dues card and or letter of introduction ready.
The event will be in our new location: Culver City Masonic Center
9635 Venice Blvd. Culver City CA, 90232

November Stated Meeting
Join us for our quarterly stated meeting and election of officers

August Stated Meeting
Brother Matthew Williams will present an introduction to astrology, covering its history and transmission, its role in the history of sciences, and its place at the heart of the esoteric tradition.

Master's BBQ!
Join the Bell for the annual Master’s BBQ picnic and hang out. Time and location TBD

Anchor Bell Presents
We are proud to announce the kick off of a new educational series of events here at Anchor Bell Lodge, 868. Anchor Bell Presents will be an ongoing series of in person, and streaming educational presentations on topics related to Freemasonry. In the coming months we will be announcing topics and speakers on WWI Freemasonry, Neoplatonism, and our first event “The Authentic History of the Bavarian Illuminati, presented by W. Bro. Bryan Godwin
Join us on Friday, July 28th for a fascinating presentation deep diving into the myths, rituals, and surprising authentic connection between the Illuminati and Freemasonry.
This event is free of charge, and open to all Masons and men interested in membership in Freemasonry. Light refreshments will be served. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here!